Monday 23 September 2013

Chicken Breast & Wing White Wine Casserole

For my fourth week of eating local produce I have chosen another relatively simple dish that is easy to adapt to the leftover vegetables you may have in the fridge. Chicken breast and wing portions are also much cheaper per kilo than a filleted chicken breast so aside from the bottle of wine, this meal makes a relatively inexpensive dish for the whole family. At Andrew's, we sell two kinds of chicken that are bred and reared in Suffolk: firstly an economical barn reared variety which is fed on a natural antibiotic-free diet and left to roam in a big lofty barn, and secondly the famous Sutton Hoo free range chicken which is slow grown, again on a natural diet, for a full delicious flavour. For this recipe I have used the barn reared variety as it is much cheaper and still rather tasty. 

1 Chicken Breast and Wing Portion Per Person | 1 Bottle of White Wine (I feel any will do but don't go too cheap!) | 1 Onion peeled and roughly chopped into segments | A selection of local vegetables (I have chosen local Trimley mushrooms and Suffolk carrots, I know lemons are by no means local but i wanted to use up what was in the fridge!) | A handful of sage - this is a great herb to have in the garden, I use it in a lot of cooking so is much cheaper than buying sage from a shop each time |

Preheat the oven to 180C | Add all the ingredients to a casserole dish, pouring over the bottle of wine last: this should just cover all your ingredients but if you don't think there is enough liquid just add a little water or chicken stock. | Bring to the boil on the hob to get the heat through your dish before placing in the oven, with the lid on, for an hour and a half | After this time move the chicken and veg to a heated serving dish and place the casserole back on the hob to reduce down the liquid to make a gravy, perhaps adding a stock cube to thicken if you would like | Serve with rice, crusty bread, or potatoes depending on what you fancy!

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